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2 RADISYS SOLUTION BRIEF | Integrated Speech Recognition Solution Powers Next-Gen Service Providers The Growth of Speech-Enabled Applications and Services As smartphones and other apps revolutionize the lives of people, users are increasingly interacting with applications and devices using speech as the interface. With the capabilities of Siri, Cortana, Alexa, and Google in smartphones, smart speakers, automobiles and more, speech interaction has taken off globally. And it makes sense: speech is the most natural and intuitive way for humans to interact. According to Edison Research, most consumers who own a smart speaker want the capabilities to be ubiquitous—available at home, on the road, and at work. The overall Automated Speech Recognition (ASR), Text to Speech (TTS) and Voice Recognition market is forecasted to grow from $6.7 billion in 2017 to $18.3 billion in 2023 at a CAGR of 19.8% 1 . Applications that use speech interfaces are rapidly growing across a wide variety of vertical markets such as automotive; enterprise; consumer; banking, financial services, and insurance; government; retail; healthcare; military; education; legal; aerospace, utilities, and travel, tourism, telecommunications, and many more. Opportunities and Challenges for Communication Service Providers Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are well positioned to take advantage of the trend. CSPs sit on a gold mine of millions of subscribers (both consumer and business) using their network every day for voice and video communication services. Their networks are secure, and unlike public cloud based offerings that are based on "best effort" and subject to variable performance, they can deliver guaranteed service levels to ensure the best user experience and corresponding service stickiness for consumers and business users. They can fill a gap where the latest speech enabled services can't reach—in the context of phone calls. However the traditional approach to speech recognition solutions have prohibited them to cost-effectively incorporate the speech recognition experience within their communication services and reach the mass market—a significant untapped opportunity. CSPs have to either depend on 3rd party platforms, such as Alexa and Google, to create standalone speech recognition services, which dilutes their brand, limits flexibility and control to integrate network services, and requires large volumes of data to be transmitted to public cloud data centers at high cumulative cost; or they have to invest in expensive ASR solution in the network to provide "in-call" speech recognition services. AU TO M AT E D S P E EC H R ECO G N I T I O N, T E X T TO S PE ECH A N D VO ICE R ECO G N I T I O N IS $18.3 BI L LI O N M A R K E T BY 2023 S E RV ICE PROV I D E R S H AV E A T R E M E N D O US O PP O RT U N IT Y TO DIS RU P T T H E M A R K E T W IT H "I N - C A L L" S P E EC H R ECO G N I T I O N S E RV ICE S 1 Markets and Markets Speech and Voice Recognition Forecast Report