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RADISYS ENGAGE @ WORK SOLUTION BRIEF | Customer Care 1 Secure, reliable and accurate communications whenever your customers need you In a fast-moving world where consumers expect connected everything at all times, why should customer support be any different? It doesn't have to be. With Radisys Engage@Work it isn't. Radisys' Engage@Work is a communication and digital engagement solution that integrates multi-media communication such as messaging, voice calling, video conferencing and channels in a single application to allow efficient communications between customers and support center agents. Capable of supporting all platforms —desktop, web, iOS, Android and feature phones on 2G through 5G and WiFi— Engage@Work delivers extensive communication capabilities directly to the mobile device—ensuring that your customer support is accessible everywhere at all times. Digital Customer Care S O L U T I O N B R I E F K E Y B E N E FI T S • Two-way interactive channels for secure communications with large audiences • Increased productivity for customer care as agents can handle multiple customers simultaneously using this application • Efficient chat-based customer care solution with bot utilization reduces the load on agents • Extensive API support to integrate with other systems and third- party applications to extend the services • Multiple media formats supported for a rich user experience Messaging Channels Text Video Voice

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