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1 Secure, reliable and accurate internal communications made simple When you want to share the latest company news and product updates, it's not feasible to pull all of your employees into a conference room or an auditorium. Even sending a mass email can require lots of coordination and templated software to convey your message in a manner that reflects your brand. When there is important information to share with your workforce, you need a secure, reliable way to reach your employees in a format that cuts through the clutter. Radisys' Engage@Work is a communication and digital engagement solution that integrates multi-media communication such as messaging, voice calling, video conferencing and channels in a single application to allow businesses to communicate effectively with their employees. Capable of supporting all platforms— desktop, web, iOS, Android and feature phones on 2G through 5G and WiFi—Engage@Work delivers extensive communication capabilities directly to the mobile device—ensuring that your organization's employees have access to the information they need at all times regardless of their location. Digital Workforce Engagement S O L U T I O N B R I E F Integrated Communications for Your Workforce Radisys' Engage@Work gives your employee base a single "follow me anywhere" application that keeps all of their business communications and information right at hand. Messaging Channels Text Video Voice

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