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Radisys Engage@Work Collaboration Brief

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RADISYS ENGAGE @ WORK SOLUTION BRIEF | Collaboration 1 Secure, reliable, real-time communication and collaboration available on all platforms Communications and engagement in today's business environment must be mobile, real-time and interactive. Traditionally businesses have been forced to use multiple tools and applications to communicate with their audiences and collaborate with one another. Engage@Work changes this paradigm by bringing together collaboration, communication and digital engagement under one application. Engage@Work simplifies collaboration and offers added capabilities in a single extensible solution capable of managing all business communications. Digital Collaboration S O L U T I O N B R I E F K E Y B E N E FI T S Messaging Channels Text Video Voice • On-premise deployment option means that enterprise data is completely isolated within their firewall, ensuring complete security of user data • Businesses have total control of their data with access to every user's activity • Developed with state-of-the-art encryption SECURE • 24x7 technical support is available for ease of deployment • Engage@Work integrates with a wide array of systems to optimize workflows and facilitate operational efficiencies • Light-weight solution does not increase the organization's operational workload RELIABLE • Chat, messaging, HD video conferencing, file sharing, and channel communications all take place in real-time with no additional software requirements • Engage@Work is a scalable mobile solution capable of supporting large enterprises and service providers REAL-TIME COMMUNICATION

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