
Engage Media Server Management System (MMS)

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Page 0 of 2 D A T A S H E E T Multi-node management in an easy-to-use graphical tool The Radisys Engage Media Server Management System (MMS) is a software solution that provides a consolidated view and management overlay for the collection of Radisys Media Server Network Elements (NEs) – deployed as Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs) or Physical Network Functions (PNFs) in an operator's network. The MMS enables end to end management of the Media Servers including instantiation, deletion, configuration management, monitoring alarms, and performance management. MMS auto-discovers Media Server instances (either hardware or software) as soon as they are instantiated; as well as periodically monitors them for reachability, faulty conditions, and inventory management. The MMS leverages the same direct management interfaces that are available on the individual media servers. The MMS can also be coordinated with a VNF Manager (VNFM), which notifies the MMS to provide element management support for the new NEs or VNFs. The MMS supports standard fault-detection mechanism through SNMP interface to receive the notifications. These notifications include SNMP traps and event logs from the Media Servers. The MMS also uses the SNMP interface to fetch the statistics periodically from the Media Servers and presents this information with variety of visualizations formats (Tabular or Graphical) in the Dashboard. Radisys Engage Media Server Management System (MMS) Control Data Data Data Distributed Media Server Cluster Instance Media Server Appliance Integrated Media Server Instance MMS License Manager Security / Password Data Collecting and Reporting Configurate Fault Reporting Operations (Sw/Firmware Upgrade)

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