Weekly Pitch | TadHack2023 Colombia

November 21, 2023

Application for the management of weekly routines that aims to help the optimization of your free time, oriented to study activities and personalized learning through the help of a virtual assistant and artificial intelligence. Team Members: Diego Pantoja: dialp@unicauca.edu.co Daniela Astudillo: kdastudillo@unicauca.edu.co Jefer Quiñonez: yyquinonez@unicauca.edu.co Danilo Inagan Maca: DanInaganMaca@Gmail.Com

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Help2Learn | UnicauHack Pitch | TadHack2023 Colombia
Help2Learn | UnicauHack Pitch | TadHack2023 Colombia

We understand that many students around the world face difficulties in accessing quality education and guid...

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AgroHack Pitch | TadHack2023 Colombia

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