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Media Server Integrated In-Call Speech Recognition Solution Powers Next-Gen Service Provider Products and Services

The Radisys Media Server is a virtual media server platform which combines the ability to process speech ranging from a small vocabulary of keywords and commands to natural language interaction in the context of voice and video calls. It offers communication service providers:
• a much more cost-effective alternative to traditional automated speech recognition (ASR) approaches, lowering the cost and complexity of deploying applications that use speech interaction
• improved performance through reduced network latency
flexibility to deploy in-telecom cloud or public cloud environments
a simplified architecture that is easier to deploy, manage, and adapt to new application requirements
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[WEBINAR] In-Call Speech Recognition  Ready for Mass Markets
[WEBINAR] In-Call Speech Recognition Ready for Mass Markets

Listen to our Webinar to learn how Speech Recognition Breaks Barriers

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Surveillance Video Analytics at the MEC Edge
Surveillance Video Analytics at the MEC Edge