For Amy, staying connected and ‘always-on’ every instant of the day is as important as her morning green smoothie. Catching up on friends through her Facebook feeds, tweeting about her day, Snapchatting with family , downloading podcasts to listen on the go, YouTube-ing videos about riding the California surf, watching Game of Thrones on Sling, curling up with a good Netflix movie and Instagramming her exciting travels - are as natural as breathing to this digital warrior. And just like Amy, her mobile operator has millions of other subscribers who are demanding and consuming large amounts of data with lightening speeds and enhanced Quality of Experience (QoE) each day. How to analyze and monitor this ever growing stream of traffic on their network, while delivering a superior QoE to their subscribers, is a battle that no mobile operator can afford to lose in today’s data and device fueled times.
So what is the problem statement? It is just that mobile operators’ traditional infrastructure and monitoring tools are not able to scale effectively or rapidly to manage the influx of data, as it is not designed to balance the traffic judiciously between the existing monitoring probes to give visibility into the subscriber and the network. In many core network sites where GTP protocol is used, existing monitoring tools are unable to touch the highest waves of data and typically many probes are able to monitor a restricted limit of traffic for example, up to a maximum of 10GB. Anything beyond may require larger capacity, more sophisticated monitoring probes that could simply not be available or prove to be increasingly cost prohibitive for the operator. Adding to the complexity, it is important that to maintain the integrity of Amy’s customer experience, the mobile operator sends all traffic flows associated with her to the same probe.
To surmount these challenges, Radisys has joined hands with Italy based Microtel Innovation, and developed a combined solution to offer mobile operators, by designing a powerful, intelligent and high performance GTP Traffic Balancer that supports and boosts existing monitoring systems by intelligently balancing, filtering and sampling the traffic between monitoring probes. This solution, which integrates the Microtel Aster line of Traffic Balancer with the industry-leading Radisys FlowEngine TDE-2000, combines the powerful performance of the packet processing and load balancing functions of the Radisys platform with the enhanced experience in session-aware monitoring and analysis capabilities of the Microtel product.
Moreover, the combined solution brings CAPEX and OPEX savings to operators since by utilizing this solution, they are not being compelled to re-architect their whole monitoring infrastructure or having to buy more sophisticated, expensive monitoring tools. Finally, Amy’s mobile operator can count on her customer loyalty by keeping her delighted with efficient network performance and enhanced QoE.
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