KDDI Research Succeeds in Developing and Verifying Base Station Network Slicing Technology for Full-Scale 5G Era

KDDI Research, Inc., has developed a new RAN slicing technology that expands the function of a RAN controller that controls a base station network (hereinafter RAN), and installs one wireless device at the antenna site. It was announced that is has demonstrated next-generation technology that accommodates multiple services expected in next-generation mobile communication systems (hereinafter 5G).

When 5G becomes full-scale, it is necessary to construct and provide a network according to the application for the characteristics of ultra-high speed, large capacity, ultra-low delay, and ultra-multiple connections. By using this technology, each service with these characteristics can be provided by a single wireless device, and new services can be quickly introduced without waiting for the time-consuming construction of new wireless equipment.

Read the full text from ProNews.

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