Cloud-RAN accelerated during industry group demo at MWC

June 29, 2018

Lenovo, China Mobile, Xilinx, Radisys and Napatech jointly demonstrated a cloud-RAN solution that supports heterogeneous acceleration hardware and decouples software from hardware at Mobile World Congress Shanghai.

A cloud-based Radio Access Network is a virtualized RAN that can coordinate multiple radio sites from a data center using NFV and SDN techniques. C-RAN is a mobile network architecture that is expected to be a cornerstone of 5G.



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2018 Communications Solutions Product of the Year Award Mobility Engine 5G RAN Platform
2018 Communications Solutions Product of the Year Award Mobility Engine 5G RAN Platform

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Lenovo, China Mobile, Radisys demo cloud RAN with hardware acceleration
Lenovo, China Mobile, Radisys demo cloud RAN with hardware acceleration