Ogistic Pitch | TadHack2023 Colombia

To create a user-friendly environment for a client, allowing them to view their finances and track the construction process. In some cases, if the user cannot access this information, they will be granted access to a chatbot that can provide them with the detailed information they need. Team Members: Josue rivera: daniielmelliizo@gmail.com Julian andres gil: julianagm@unicauca.edu.co Juan pablo collazos: jpcollazos@unimayor.edu.co Jaider maxabuel: maxwelljs@gmail.com

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AgroHack Pitch | TadHack2023 Colombia
AgroHack Pitch | TadHack2023 Colombia

Farmers face a series of climate-related problems, including the impact of climate change, causing climate ...

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Engage Speak2ChatGPT
Engage Speak2ChatGPT

Empower your text-based chatbots with conversational voice and video intelligence.