Radisys CBRS Test Automation Platform and Software Framework

June 25, 2019

Accelerating Market Readiness and Commercialization

Mobile operators are transforming their networks to keep up with the demands of next-generation connectivity and user experience; and support the evolution from connected devices to connected everything—people, places, and things. Next-generation wireless networks must support billions of connected devices, new services and applications that will drive new business efficiencies and economies. While licensed spectrum continues to play a critical role in 4G Advanced and 5G network transformation, use of unlicensed LTE-based spectrum is becoming increasingly important. The concept of leveraging shared spectrum is taking off in the U.S. with the 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS).

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Radisys 5G Software Suite - Empowering Test & Measurement Solutions
Radisys 5G Software Suite - Empowering Test & Measurement Solutions

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