Radisys 5G Software Suite - Empowering Test & Measurement Solutions

June 25, 2019

The shift towards software-defined open network disruption, such as Open RAN, and emerging technologies, such as 5G, CBRS, NB-IoT, mmWave, and beamforming, are fundamentally changing the wireless network infrastructure. While this overwhelming pace of innovation is creating new opportunities for the entire industry, it is also creating unique challenges for the vendors and service provider community to test & measure the performance of the evolved infrastructure and services. They have an immediate need for high quality testing solutions that can help them resolve many challenges.

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Radisys, Intel and China Mobile Team Up for 5G Open RAN Architecture
Radisys, Intel and China Mobile Team Up for 5G Open RAN Architecture

China Mobile Research Institute to demonstrate 5G NR sub-6 GHz Standalone (SA) mode reference architecture ...

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Radisys CBRS Test Automation Platform and Software Framework
Radisys CBRS Test Automation Platform and Software Framework